需要訂做母奶皂的媽媽們,請點這裡 謝謝!

目前分類:Herbal Soap (44)

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很想試做一下圓形皂,於是去Home depot買了段水管來試試。

First time to make round soap. Bought plastic pipe from Home depot as soap mold. Summer is coming, I want this soap to be full of citrus aroma.
Prepared orange zest and lemon zest for this soap. Lemon grass powder and fresh lemon juice were added in. Not only this, the sweet orange essential oil and lime essential oil make this soap even better! Castile soap recipe with macadamia nut oil is gentle to skin and helps maintain skin's water barrier functions.

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Both Shiconix and Comfrey leaves are known good for skin. They are different plants but excellent for skin repair, wound healing and scar removal.
Infused Comfrey leaves and Shiconix olive oil for at least 2 months. Making Comfrey soap first and then rolled it into small ball to add into Shiconix soap.

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下午三點的tea time,來個香嫩爽口的藍莓草莓慕司吧。

A delicious cake but it's a soap!
Took three times to finish this mousse. After done the soap, it is very difficult to get it out of my yogurt containers. After all, it is a beautiful, seems delicious, and of course, a soap to clean and moist your skin.

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A simple blue and white soap, as blue as ocean, as white as cloud.
It was a wonderfule experience to use infused olive oil to make soap. The Alkanet infused oil was red, after mixed with lye, it turned to purple. So delightful to see the color changes! Don't be surprised if you see lots of shiconix infused oil in my soap recipe!
Lavender essentil oil was added for all the Lavender lovers!

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